这幅图展示了一个现代化的咖啡馆/休息室,里面有一张大公共桌子和吊灯. 人 are seated, studying, or socializing. To the left, there’s a convenience store with drinks and snacks. 该空间采用工业设计,有暴露的管道系统、混凝土地板和大窗户. A welcoming “hello” sign is on the wooden accent wall.


Living on campus connects you closer to friends, 类, and the exciting opportunities that Austin has to offer, with the added benefit of enhanced safety and security on campus.

The image shows a busy dining area, likely in a cafeteria. 人们在准备和供应食物的服务站排队. 在左边, there is a refrigerated section stocked with beverages and snacks, and a display with various packaged food items. 气氛热烈。, with several students or patrons, 有些人背着背包, 在空间中移动, 获得食物, 与员工互动.


From made-to-order meals to grab-and-go snacks and fresh coffee, discover on-campus dining experiences.


住在校园里意味着你离朋友、班级和餐厅只有几步之遥. By engaging in the residential experience at St. 爱德华的, you develop independent living skills, build community and relationships, 优先考虑健康和福利, and grow personally and intellectually.

这张照片显示的是一座砖石外墙建筑的室外庭院. 庭院设有一个小座位区,有一张圆桌和四把椅子. 建筑有大窗户和拱形门,创造了一种欢迎和开放的感觉. The space is shaded by overhanging tree branches. 院子是铺好的。, 一边是石凳, 而且显得很安静, 邀请点放松或社交和理想的户外聚会或宁静的撤退.


在拉格斯代尔中心对面, this residence community is available to first- and second-year students.

这幅图展示了一座石砖混合建筑的外观. 入口设有大窗户和现代藤架,创造了一个欢迎和时尚的外观. 在右边,一个人背着书和书包走着,暗示着校园的环境. In the foreground, ornamental grasses enhance the aesthetic appeal. There is outdoor seating with tables and chairs, indicating a comfortable space for socializing or studying. The environment is inviting and well-maintained.


The 之家 is next to Jacques Dujarié and 巴兹尔·莫罗大厅s, 对二年级学生开放, 大三和大四学生.

这张照片显示了一个充满活力的庭院区域,里面有醒目的红黑玻璃镶板建筑. 空间由高大的现代结构构成,营造出半封闭的氛围. 人 are walking and sitting at tables under red umbrellas, suggesting a casual and social environment. 地面是用砖块铺成的,还有盆栽植物,增添了一丝绿色. The design is contemporary and dynamic, with the red panels reflecting light, creating an engaging and lively atmosphere.


在校园的中心, 居住村由三个宿舍组成:埃德蒙亨特大厅, 勒芒大厅, and Lady Bird Johnson Hall (available for first- and second-year students).

这幅图描绘了一个室外庭院,周围环绕着砖石建筑. 庭院的特色是一条通往建筑入口的双开门通道. 有树荫, 走道附近有一个小的休息区,里面有金属桌椅. The scene appears serene and inviting, 指在校园或住宅区内一个安静的放松或学习的地方.

Jacques dujari Hall和Casitas

在拉格斯代尔中心旁边, this residence community is available to first- and second-year students.

这张照片是一个住宅区的鸟瞰图,其中有多座红瓦屋顶和浅色墙壁的建筑. The buildings are arranged in clusters surrounded by green lawns and trees, suggesting a suburban or campus setting. 在后台, a broader view of the cityscape can be seen, 在晴朗的蓝天下,各种建筑和基础设施融合在地平线上. 这个场景传达了一种宁静和精心规划的社区生活的感觉.

Maryhill and Hilltopper Heights Apartments

Offering the feel of off-campus living, these unfurnished on-campus apartments allow you to decorate as you like. Available for juniors, seniors and graduate students.

这张照片展示了一座现代的多层建筑,外墙是浅色的砖砌建筑. 大窗户排列在建筑上,一楼的特点是膨胀的玻璃板. 人们走在大楼前的人行道上,营造出热闹的气氛. 建筑综合体包括一个带有额外窗户的连接结构, 创建一个有凝聚力的设计. The surroundings are well-maintained, with trees and grassy areas visible. The setting appears to be part of a campus.

St. 安德烈公寓

这些设施齐全的公寓靠近教室和校园服务. Available for sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students.

The image shows a young woman sitting at a desk in a well-decorated room. She is focused on working at her laptop. The desk is positioned next to a window with ruffled curtains, allowing natural light to brighten the space. Above the desk is a bulletin board covered with various photos, 笔记, 和纪念品, 周围都是串灯. The room has a cozy and personalized feel. 桌上放着一盏小灯和一个插着花的花瓶,增添了温馨的气氛.


St. 爱德华的 has a variety of living communities and room types to choose from. 看看每个人的便利设施和信息,或探索一个精心策划的文章集合,这将帮助你选择适合你的住房.

What’s required for housing and meal plans?

  • 所有一年级和二年级的学生都需要住在校内宿舍, unless you meet housing exemption criteria and are:
    • 通勤者,与居住在奥斯汀地区(校园20英里内)的父母或法定监护人住在一起,并已证明居住至少六个月
    • Married and can provide a valid marriage license
    • 已经离开高中一年以上的一年级新生
    • 有残疾的学生不能住进学校宿舍


  • Juniors and seniors can apply for on-campus housing, although availability is limited and not guaranteed.
  • All full-time undergraduate students need to buy a meal plan. There are meal-plan options designed for first-year students, for students who commute to campus, 和更多的.
  • Find out what to expect and when, including 关键日期和截止日期.
  • From reviewing your housing contract to sending a maintenance request, access helpful resident resources.


Housing is granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • 学年住房(秋季和春季)注册于2月在网上开放.
  • 春季住房登记将于10月在网上开放,12月中旬分配住房.
  • Summer housing registration opens online in March.

Before you can sign up for housing, 你必须被大学录取,并寄去不可退还的500美元入学押金. 请预留24-48小时处理时间,从您发送入学保证金开始算起. 然后你可以通过Hillstart在线课程申请住房. Look for the invitation to Hillstart in your SEU email.

如果你符合住房豁免标准,不需要住在校园里, you can send a housing exemption request in Hillstart. 在适当的页面上, 选择复选框,说明您正在申请住房豁免,并提供支持您的请求的文件. 居住生活 will contact you via email to confirm your request.


  • First, get your housing sign-up time. 登录myHilltop and begin your housing application via the housing portal between 9 a.m. 1月30日下午5点.m. 2月6日.
  • 然后,选择你的住房. 登录myHilltop during your assigned timeslot and make your choice via the housing portal.
  • If you don't get an assigned housing sign-up time, you will be able to select housing beginning on February 16, 2024.
  • 春季住房登记将于10月在网上开放,12月中旬分配住房. Summer housing registration opens online in March.
The image shows a neatly made bed with a soft blue and white color scheme. 床上装饰着装饰性的枕头,中间有一个圆形的蓝色褶皱枕头. 在床上, the wall is decorated with framed art pieces and prints, featuring floral and inspirational themes. 艺术品为极简主义明亮的房间增添了色彩缤纷和欢快的色彩. A round monogrammed piece of art is also present on the wall. 整体的氛围是舒适和诱人的,具有干净和优雅的审美.


Check out the costs for on-campus housing and meal plans.


住宿生活办公室在这里帮助你充分利用你的大学经历-从伸出援助之手, 回答问题, and putting on enriching programming. 



如果您需要校内住宿,如服务性动物或辅助设备,请联系 学生残疾服务.
